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Episode 42Does Vitex (Chaste tree) help Fertility?

If you're struggling to have a baby, should you add the herbVitex (aka Chaste tree) to boost your fertility when there's only so much room in the granny pill box? ...

Episode 41Does DHEA Improve egg quality?

Ever find yourself scouring the internet looking for that one thing to increase egg quality and chances of getting pregnant? ...

Episode 40Are Prenatals Necessary?

Are Prenatals necessary? Maybe The answer is not set in stone. ...

Episode 39Is Metformin The Fertility Wonder Drug?

Have you heard of the commonly prescribed type two diabetes medication called Metformin? ...

Episode 38How to have an Orgasmic Childbirth

As implied, orgasmic childbirth is when a woman experiences an orgasm while she is in labour ...

Episode 37Simplify Your Self Care

Self care is a buzz term that gets thrown around a lot. Here’s the thing, self care is essential and a form of self-love. But what does self care even mean? ...

Where to Listen


Practical advice which is easily implemented and backed by science and traditional medicine. Making sure you fill your cup first before you start filling other people’s cups will benefit everyone.

– Anth5621

“I LOVE the content on this podcast, as a nutritionist I’m always looking for relevant new ideas and this podcast has just that. Thanks for sharing your wisdom ladies!”

– mymindbodybaby

“Love the tidbits this podcast provides to embrace yourself. It is a 30min self-care routine that everyone should incorporate into their schedule.”

– ZuskaD

“What a gift! I absolutely love the content and tone of this podcast. It’s filled with practical, do-able self-care tips/information that are shared in a fun, upbeat manner. Dr Tanya and Dr Mary invite their audience to become healthier and happier individuals. Their passion for this subject is undeniable!”

– Kathy Arrigo

“Mary and Dr. Tanya are always touching on topics that most people don’t talk about…PCOS has been with me all my life, but to Dr. Tanya’s point, I never knew about it until I was trying to conceive and needed some help, even when having ovarian cysts removed five years before, it was never mentioned! Mary, Dr. Tanya, please keep these episodes coming! Every woman needs to hear these messages.”

– Carol Schneider