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Episode 12When to Have S3X To Make Babies – Is it ever too much?

Do you find yourself disconnected with your partner because you're focused on baby making? Do you feel completely out of sync when your partner can't perform or finish on ovulation day? Do you feel like you don't know how much or when to have s*x? Is your biggest challenge being able ...

Episode 11Are you too old to get pregnant – is the Fertility Cliff Real?

Does it feel like everyone keeps telling you you're too old to try to have a baby? ...

Episode 10Finding Happiness – Being With All Your Emotions

Anger is part of the human condition and one that deserves a lot of attention because we don’t like it, we repel away from it and it can be caustic and painful for ourselves and for others if we lash out in anger. We love to intersect research with the wisdom of medicine that prevailed ...

Episode 9Fill Up Your Cup Pt. 2

After polling our patients on topics for our podcast many of you wanted to know what we are doing to stay positive/motivated/inspired through COVID times. Indirectly they were asking, what are we doing to fill up our cups! We answer this question at the end of each of our podcasts but we ...

Episode 8Fill Up Your Cup Pt. 1

After polling our patients on topics for our podcast many of you wanted to know what we are doing to stay positive/motivated/inspired through COVID times. Indirectly they were asking, what are we doing to fill up our cups! We answer this question at the end of each of our podcasts but we ...

Episode 7Sleep Your Way to Success

You have a million things on your to-do list. You might consider cutting some sleep out of your schedule to get things done, but on this episode, we talk about how that could actually end up slowing you down in the long run. In Sleep Your Way to Success, we talk about how your sleep ...

Where to Listen


Practical advice which is easily implemented and backed by science and traditional medicine. Making sure you fill your cup first before you start filling other people’s cups will benefit everyone.

– Anth5621

“I LOVE the content on this podcast, as a nutritionist I’m always looking for relevant new ideas and this podcast has just that. Thanks for sharing your wisdom ladies!”

– mymindbodybaby

“Love the tidbits this podcast provides to embrace yourself. It is a 30min self-care routine that everyone should incorporate into their schedule.”

– ZuskaD

“What a gift! I absolutely love the content and tone of this podcast. It’s filled with practical, do-able self-care tips/information that are shared in a fun, upbeat manner. Dr Tanya and Dr Mary invite their audience to become healthier and happier individuals. Their passion for this subject is undeniable!”

– Kathy Arrigo

“Mary and Dr. Tanya are always touching on topics that most people don’t talk about…PCOS has been with me all my life, but to Dr. Tanya’s point, I never knew about it until I was trying to conceive and needed some help, even when having ovarian cysts removed five years before, it was never mentioned! Mary, Dr. Tanya, please keep these episodes coming! Every woman needs to hear these messages.”

– Carol Schneider